Wednesday, December 25, 2019

History of Matches - Inventors and Methods

If you need to start a fire do you rub sticks together or break out your handy flint? Probably not. Most people would use a lighter or a match to start a fire. Matches allow for a portable, easy-to-use source of fire. Many chemical reactions generate heat and fire, but matches are a fairly recent invention. Matches are also an invention you probably wouldnt choose to duplicate if civilization ended today or you were stranded on a desert island. The chemicals involved in modern matches are generally safe, but that wasnt always the case: 1669 [Hennig Brand or Brandt, also known as Dr. Teutonicus] Brand was an Hamburg alchemist who discovered phosphorus during his attempts to turn base metals into gold. He allowed a vat of urine to stand until it putrefied. He boiled the resulting liquid down to a paste, which he heated to a high temperature, so that the vapors could be drawn into water and condensed into... gold. Brand didnt get gold, but he did obtain a waxy white substance that glowed in the dark. This was phosphorus, one of the first elements to be isolated other than those which exist free in nature. Evaporating urine produced ammonium sodium hydrogen phosphate (microcosmic salt), which yielded sodium phosphite upon heating. When heated with carbon (charcoal) this decomposed into white phosphorus and sodium pyrophosphate:(NH4)NaHPO4 —†º NaPO3 NH3 H2O8NaPO3 10C —†º 2Na4P2O7 10CO P4Although Brand tried to keep his process a secret, he sold his discovery to a German chemist, Krafft, who exhibited phosphorus throughout Europe. Word leaked out that the substance was made from urine, which was all Kunckel and Boyle needed to work out their own means of purifying phosphorus. 1678 [Johann Kunckel]Knuckel successfully made phosphorus from urine. 1680 [Robert Boyle] Sir Robert  Boyle coated a piece of paper with phosphorus, with a separate splinter of sulfur-coated wood. When the wood was drawn through the paper, it would burst into flame. Phosphorus was difficult to obtain at that time, so the invention was only a curiosity. Boyles method of isolating phosphorus was more efficient than Brands: 4NaPO3 2SiO2 10C —†º 2Na2SiO3 10CO P4 1826/1827 [John Walker, Samuel Jones] Walker serendipitously discovered a friction match made from antimony sulfide, potassium chlorate, gum, and starch, resulting from a dried blob on the end of a stick used to stir a chemical mixture. He didnt patent his discovery, though he did show it to people. Samuel Jones saw the demonstration and started to produce Lucifers, which were matches marketed to the Southern and Western U.S. states. Lucifers reportedly could ignite explosively, sometimes throwing sparks at a considerable distance. They were known to have a strong firework odor. 1830 [Charles Sauria] Sauria reformulated the match using white phosphorus, which eliminated the strong odor. However, the phosphorus was deadly. Many people developed a disorder known as phossy jaw. Children who sucked on matches developed skeletal deformities. Phosphorus factory workers got bones diseases. One pack of matches contained enough phosphorus to kill a person. 1892 [Joshua Pusey] Pusey invented the matchbook, however, he placed the striking surface on the inside of the book so that all 50 matches would ignite at once. The Diamond Match Company later purchased Puseys patent and moved the striking surface to the exterior of the packaging. 1910 [Diamond Match Company] With a worldwide push to ban the use of white phosphorus matches, the Diamond Match Company got a patent for a non-poisonous match which used sesquisulfide of phosphorus. U.S. President Taft requested that Diamond Match give up their patent. 1911 [Diamond Match Company] Diamond yielded their patent on January 28, 1911. Congress passed a law placing a prohibitively high tax on white phosphorus matches. Present Day Butane lighters have largely replaced matches in many part of the world, however matches are still made and used. The Diamond Match Company, for example, makes more than 12 billion matches a year. Approximately 500 billion matches are used annually in the United States. An alternative to chemical matches is fire steel. Fire steel uses a striker and magnesium metal to produce sparks which may be used to start a fire. Sources Crass, M. F., Jr. (1941). A history of the match industry. Part 5. Journal of Chemical Education. 18 (7): 316–319. doi:10.1021/ed018p316Hughes, J. P. W; Baron, R.; Buckland, D. H., Cooke, M. A.; Craig, J. D.; Duffield, D. P.; Grosart, A. W.; Parkes, P. W. J.; Porter, A. (1962). Phosphorus Necrosis of the Jaw: A Present-day Study: With Clinical and Biochemical Studies. Br. J. Ind. Med. 19 (2): 83–99. doi:10.1136/oem.19.2.83Wisniak, Jaime (2005). Matches—The manufacture of fire. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology. 12: 369–380.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Abortion Essay - 1051 Words

In ancient times abortion was permitted under certain circumstances, such as rape or if carrying the pregnancy to term posed a risk to the mother’s health. More recently, along with the creation of the birth control pill, women have been given more control of their reproductive system this includes abortion. The Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade, and its co- case Doe v. Bolton (1973), ruled that abortion was a private matter, and was allowed until the end of the first trimester, after that point, the laws regarding abortion are left up to the states. This judgement caused a storm of controversy, which created two sides to the debate, pro- life and pro-choice. Abortion has been legal in the United States since 1973. It has been found†¦show more content†¦There are quite a few different forms of drug based abortions, the most popular is the â€Å"morning after† pill. This drug is most commonly given to rape victims. It gives the woman large doses of estrogen within a seventy- two hour window of the event; and then again in twelve hours. Such high doses of hormone halts the fetal development at the earliest stages after conception. The only known side effects of this drug are nausea, headache, dizziness, and fluid retention (Merz 2). Within the first seven weeks of pregnancy, a combination of two drugs can be given in order to abort the fetus. First the drug mifeprlstone (RU-486), which blocks progesterone (a hormone needed to maintain pregnancy.) Forty- eight hours later, she will take misoprostol, which causes the uterus to contract. It is the contractions of the uterus, which expels the fetus (Merz 1). Vacuum aspiration is used for abortions between the sixth and fourteenth week of pregnancy. The cervix has to be dilated. Dilators can be used to dilate the cervix. Cannula is attached to an electrically powered pump that removes the contents of the uterus (Merz 2). Induction abortion (a second trimester procedure) between the sixteenth and twenty- fourth weeks. A small amount of the fluid the surrounds the fetus (an amniotic fluid), is removed. Another fluid is injected, this is usually a strongShow MoreRelatedAbortion : Abortion And Abortion998 Words   |  4 PagesAbortion Abortion is defined in several ways all of which stop a pregnancy. There are different ways of abortion, which are spontaneous abortion, surgical abortion, and medical abortion. Abortion has been arguable topic for decades. One can neither believe abortion to be good nor bad. The idea of individuality and human life is not quite the same. Idea of human life has come from conception; simultaneously on the other hand, fertilizer eggs used for in vitro fertilization are also human lives butRead MoreAbortion : Abortion And Abortion Essay921 Words   |  4 PagesPaper: Abortion Laws The topic of abortion is a widely debated and very heated topic in Texas. The Republican party’s platform supports family values and are completely against abortion under any circumstances, including abortifacients. The Democrat party’s platform supports the rights for women to make choices about their own bodies. They support abortifacients and a person’s right to have an abortion. There is also a large percentage of those that are in the middle in that they believe abortion shouldRead MoreAbortion, The, And Abortion998 Words   |  4 PagesIn the United States there are more than a billion abortions performed each year. Since the court case Roe vs Wade in 1973 more than 56 million babies have been murdered in the United States before they had the chance to take their first breath (Snyder, Michael). These statics along with many more show the huge injustice that is happening in the country I call home. Abortion is defined as the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy. It can include any of variousRead MoreAbortion : Abortion And Anti Abortion1624 Words   |  7 Pagesa very large controversy between the ideas about abortion and anti-abortion. Different religious views, beliefs, peoples many different customs and even people of different cultures all have their own preferences and ideas on the take of this political issue. Views against abortion can lead to as much of an impact as a violent/non violent riots outside of an abortion clinics, to something as simple article in the newspaper. The belief on abortion that leads to a lot of the controversy is that inRead MoreAbortion, The, And Abortion Essay1656 Words   |  7 Pages An abortion is when the pregnancy of a women is ended; it is called sometimes Termination of pregnancy. There are two types of abortion. The first type is the spontaneous abortion; it occurs within the first two months. What causes it is frequently unknown yet is probably the results of intra-uterine contamination, or limited attachment in the building unborn child to the interior coating walls in the womb (uterus). Such conditions this unborn child, if the idea advances further, mayRead MoreAbortion, The, And Abortion953 Words   |  4 Pagesdebates that is constantly talked about is abortion. When it comes to abortion, the laws vary depending on the state you live in. Whether people support or are against abortion, few actually know about the abortion process. Have you ever heard of suction aspiration or prostaglandin chemical abortion? Those are two of the various methods that are performed in the different trimesters of pregnancy. According to writer Steven Ertelt of Li, Oklahoma’s abortion laws are restrictive compared to otherRead MoreAbortion : Abortion And Abortion1930 Words   |  8 PagesAbortion has been around for quite some time. Laws have been set allowing it and banning it during different periods of time. The procedures that can be done are all very different. There is a medical abortion involving drugs and there are surgical abortion involving a more invasive procedure. There are also different points of view on it. There are those who fully support the termination of a pregnancy and those who are completely against it. There are many factors to consider and very differentRead MoreAbortion : The Fight For Abortion1543 Words   |  7 PagesAlthough abortion was decriminalized in 1973, the fight for abortion rights did not end with Roe v. Wade. Just in the past three years, there have been systematic restrictions on abortion rights sweeping the country sate by state. In 2013, 22 states enacted 70 antiabortion meas ures, including pre-viability abortion bans, unnecessary doctor and clinic procedures, limits on medicated abortion, and bans on insurance coverage of abortion In 2011, 92 abortion restrictions were enacted, an in 2012, thatRead MoreAbortion : The Issue Of Abortion1212 Words   |  5 PagesThe topic of abortion has been an ongoing debate for many years. According to, abortion was legal in in the days of the early settlers. At the time that the constitution was adopted abortions were legal. Abortions were openly advertised and performed before the first fetal movement (13-16 weeks from the start of a women’s last period). The concern for abortion started in the late 1800’s when immigrants were coming into the country in large numbers and the fear was that they would produceRead MoreIs Abortion Wrong? Abortion?1321 Words   |  6 PagesIs Abortion Wrong? There continues to be a hot debate on abortion. Some people feel that this issue is neither right nor wrong, just simply a â€Å"to each his own† idiom. Those who are for abortion, tend to believe a woman has a right to decide what goes in her body and if she is capable of bringing life into this world. On the other side, there is an equal fervent opposition that killing an innocent unborn baby is wrong and unjustly, murder in the first degree of a helpless baby. Not only are they

Monday, December 9, 2019

Analysis of Resume Based On Different Criteria-Free-Samples

Question: Discuss about the Analysis of Resume Based On Different Criteria. Answer: Responses to the different selection criteria Professional Expertise The expertise that is required in this section is mainly related to the ways by which services are delivered to the community members and the operation related to the motor vehicles in an effective and safe manner. I have experience in working as a security officer for around 4 months and currently I am working as a taxi driver. These experiences related to work will be helpful for me to fulfil the expertise related to effective as well as safe driving of motor vehicles. The security that is required for the members of the community is another major factor that will be useful for the expertise that is required for this job. I am working as an Uber driver currently and have been following the tine requirements of the customers who use the services (Aravamudhan and Krishnaveni 2015). This will help me in maintaining the time that is related to the delivery of services that is required for the job. The involvement with the community members is also an important factor that is related to the specifications required for this job. Another major requirement that needs to be fulfilled for the job is the safe driving of the vehicles. This requirement can also be fulfilled by me with the help of the expertise that I have gained by working as an Uber Driver for the last few months. I am skilled at using computers and other mobile applications as the job requires the person to be able to use electronic system of navigational device (Dandaro, Silva and Carvalho 2017). Client or customer service The expertise that is required in this case is related to the quality of customer service that needs to be provided in this job. The customer service that needs to be provided should be of high quality as has been described in the requirements. I am qualified professionally in building relationships with the customers so that they can rely on me. I have broad skills related to the management of customers and possess strong leadership qualities as well. I am capable of managing and motivating the staff so that they can complete their tasks and achieve goals much faster. Customer service has been my area of expertise in the entire duration of my career. This factor will be helpful to fulfil the requirement of the company related to the customer service levels and quality (Fox 2015). The advice that is required to be provided to the customers is another important factor related to the requirements of the organization. I have working in teams in my previous organizations and have been effective in achieving the goals of the team. This quality will help me in working with the members of the team in the organization and thereby achieve the targets. The level of interaction with the public will help me identifying the stakeholders of the organization. The process of planning that needs to done in the new job role is another major expertise that can be fulfilled by me in an effective manner. The quality of report writing that is possessed by me will be the most helpful tool in fulfilling this expertise (Hunter et al. 2017). Communication The expertise related to communication is another major factor that needs to be fulfilled for the job. The communication related requirement of the job can be fulfilled by me with the help of the social skills that are possessed by me. I also have the capability of multicultural interaction which will help me in communicating with the customers and the management. I have proven myself to be effective in the dealing with the conflicts in the organization. I will therefore be able to deal with any type of problems or conflicts that can occur with related to the customers of the organization. On the other hand, the ability to deal with conflicts will help me in solving the problems that can arise in relation to the customers (Kurtz and William 2017). The major requirement related to the reading, interpreting and acting on the routine materials related to the workplace can be fulfilled with the help of the advanced skills of communication that are possessed by me. The report writing skills acquired by me in the course of my career will be helpful in prepare the workplace related materials of the company. Interpersonal or social skills have been acquired by me which will help in the interaction with customers. Conflict resolution is one of the most important skills that is required for the job. The environment in the organization is quite fast paced which will require an energetic person. I have been flexible and energetic in the period of my career which is helpful to fulfil the requirement (Nikolaou 2014). Organisational skills and effectiveness The requirement of the job is related to the acquiring of skills and expertise required for the job. The skills related to the organization can be developed by me with the help of the fundamental principles that are required for practical usage. I have an organized thought process which will help in the formation of skills that are required for the fulfilment of tasks related to the organization. I have always been flexible in all jobs and a fast learner as well, which will help me in learning the work process of the organization. I will be able to evaluate the expertise that is required with respect to the organizational process (Ployhart and Weekley 2014). The requirement that is related to the working within the structure of the organization can also be fulfilled by me so with the help of flexibility that I have developed over the years. I will be able to manage the work load that will be provided to me with ease as I have been working in this field for many years and made myself accustomed to the different environment of the organizations. The environment of the company is related to changing requirements and workloads which needs to be managed effectively. I will be able to manage the changing priorities in an effective manner as I can work in many different situations and manage different people. The main point related to this requirement of the job is that the expertise of the employee needs to be developed and this needs to be helpful and profitable for the company (Stari?eca 2015). Contribution related to the activities of the workgroup The activities related to the establishment of the parameters related to a specific work groups. The ability that I have developed to work effectively in teams with the members of the organization will help me creating effective work groups which can complete tasks and achieve goals. I have the ability to work effectively in an individual manner and within a team as well (Subramaniam, Selvanayagam and Yogarajah 2016). The strong skills related to leadership will help me in motivating the employees and managing them in such a manner so that they can accomplish their goals easily. The internal and the external activities of the organization also need to be taken care. This can be done with the help of leadership qualities and attitude related to the solving of problems. The management related qualities that I have acquired in the last few years can help me handling more than one teams easily. The command that I have on three different languages including, Urdu, English and Punjabi will help me in the handling of diverse teams. The different types of employees from different backgrounds can be handled easily with the help of my knowledge of various languages. The ability that I have with relation to the management of teams will help me in managing the employees and assist them in achieving their goals. The quality that I have related to the control of crowd will also help me in managing multiple teams at a time (Taylor 2014). The quality related to public interaction will also be helpful for me to manage the teams in the organization. Safe and fair practices related to workplace The requirement related to safety and fairness in the organization and the ways by which the employees need to uphold the principles and values of the company and contribute to the workplace. The major requirement related to this factor is the respect that is exhibited by the employee to the other individuals. The diversity that is required in the organization can be depicted by me with the help of the knowledge that I have possessed in three different languages. This will help me in interacting with the diverse group of people who are related to the organization. The ethical standards and the values of the company can be taken care by me with the help of the knowledge related to the principles of business which I have gathered in the last few years of my career (VT and Shenoy 2016). I have worked in three quite different fields in my career which include, the duties of a chef in Malaysia, the duties of a security officer in the last few months and the duties of a cab driver recently. These different types of professions have helped me in gaining a lot of knowledge related to the ethics and principles of business (Townley 2014). References Aravamudhan, N.R. and Krishnaveni, R., 2015. Recruitment and selection building scale: Content validity evidence.SCMS Journal of Indian Management,12(3), p.58. Dandaro, F., Silva, A.C. and Carvalho, D.O.D., 2017. Human Resources: The Process of Recruitment and Selection in Small Businesses.Weber Business Management. Fox, S., 2015.An examination into the importance of recruitment and selection in a business; should it be considered an internal HR function or outsourced to a specialist?(Doctoral dissertation, Dublin, National College of Ireland). Hunter, S.T., Shortland, N.D., Crayne, M.P. and Ligon, G.S., 2017. Recruitment and selection in violent extremist organizations: Exploring what industrial and organizational psychology might contribute.American Psychologist,72(3), p.242. Kurtz, J. and William, A., 2017. INFLUENTIAL ROLE OF EMPLOYEE PERCEPTION OF RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION ON PERFORMANCE.AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES,7(5). Nikolaou, I., 2014. Social networking web sites in job search and employee recruitment.International Journal of Selection and Assessment,22(2), pp.179-189. Ployhart, R.E. and Weekley, J.A., 2014. Recruitment and selection in global organizations.The Routledge companion to international human resource management, pp.155-171. Stari?eca, O., 2015. Employer brand role in HR recruitment and selection.Economics and Business,27(1), pp.58-63. Subramaniam, B., Selvanayagam, J. and Yogarajah, V., 2016. Impact of Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Performance Evaluation, and Compensation (HRM Practices) on Employees Trust. Taylor, S., 2014. Recruitment and selection.Strategic Human Resource Management: An International Perspective,10(6), pp.139-14. Townley, B., 2014. Selection and appraisal: reconstituting.New Perspectives on Human Resource Management (Routledge Revivals),92. VT, S. and Shenoy, S., 2016. Study to Identify the Relationship between Recruitment, Selection Towards Employee Engagement.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Sigma Marketing free essay sample

Sigma Marketing Case Study Sigma Marketing has been ahead its time from the marketing aspect for decades. Although the company will have to adjust to the external environment in order to have continued success. The case study did not seem to mention competition but the company has a niche which limits the competition they will face. Finding an unfilled need is the key to reducing or eliminating competition. Therefore, I do not foresee competitors creating a major problem for Sigma as they are the founders for what they do and continue to raise the bar in order to stay relevant. According to the text, technology advancements refer to the way accomplish tasks or the processes we use to create the â€Å"things† we consider new (Ferrell amp; Hartline, 2011). Technology can create new marketing opportunities for those companies that embrace and implement the changes. Sigma has always invested in additional training, continued education and upgrades regarding technology advances. We will write a custom essay sample on Sigma Marketing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Their commitment to stay in the forefront will serve them well in the future. From administrative tools to e-commerce, technology will be the company’s biggest challenge over the years. As technology advances, companies may find ways to produce some items in-house with the younger generations starting to become a part of the workforce that grasps technology better than the aging workforce in place. In order to combat the changes in the workforce, Sigma must put a strong emphasis on communication. Communication with the client is an essential aspect of firm’s success. With several choices available many times the decision maker is the customer service that a company provides. Continuing to solidify communication to long standing clients and building new relationships with new clients will make a big difference. Communication will have the biggest impact on Sigma as technology makes face to face meetings obsolete. Sigma must find new ways to keep a face and the name connected. Phone calls and annual meetings with clients to discuss what they have done and what they are looking to do differently will play a large part in keeping clients’ needs met. SWOT for Sigma Marketing Potential Internal StrengthsRespected companySuperior managementBetter marketing skillsAlliances with other firmsGood distribution skillsCommitted mployeesWell trained employeesGrowing product line| Potential External OpportunitiesChanging customer needsNew technologyClient’s growth| Potential Internal WeaknessesProduct lineLoss of visionary Aging workforce| Potential External ThreatsChanging customer needsRival firms developing new strategiesEconomic downturnNew technology| The most important strategic initiatives for Sigma are personnel strategies, succession plans and sustainability. Making sure that Sigma personnel continues to be well educated and skilled will help to determine whether the company continues to grow or starts to decline in the long term. Succession of leadership goes along with the strength of the personnel. Once Mike retires, there will need to be a smooth transition of leadership. This transition will affect the entire company from the vision to client relations. If done properly there will only be minimal adjustments and continued growth of the company. Otherwise this transition can be the company’s downfall. Sustainability is another vital issue. With many companies going green trying to reduce their carbon footprint, Sigma must continue to find ways to reduce theirs also. Companies with these environmental concerns pay more for services and products from green companies and stop doing business with those companies that are not making a difference. Sigma Marketing has been an innovator since the beginning and continues to reinvent itself. If it continues to follow the vision that its founder had the company should have continued success and growth. References Ferrell, O. C. , amp; Hartline, M. D. (2011). Marketing Strategy (5th ed. ). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.